Grown Man Style recommends that you combine travel with activities or excursions that can transform your trip into a memorable experience. 

Parasailing in Destin, Florida

A short plane ride from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon is an awesome escape from the Vegas strip

Deep Soulful House music DJ Black Coffee from South Africa performing at night by the pool at The Wynn in Las Vegas

Ziplining anventures in Puerto Vallarta and Boyne Mountain, Michigan
Swimming with Stingrays in the Bahamas and Dolphins in Zanzibar - Could you do this?
Snorkeling in the Ocean and Exploring the Florida Everglades & New Orleans Bayou

Snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean and Snorkel/Snooba Diving in Florida

Exporing the Florida Everglades and Bayou in New Orleans - Watch out for gators

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